“The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world.”
-Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

If I have one dream for the future generation of humans, it is not that they are faster, smarter or stronger, but that they are nobler, kinder to themselves and to all our relations who breath the same air and depend upon the same earth for life. This community is the humus to grow the good.
What we do
We are a homeschooling community in Sebastopol, California. We are tapping into our own gifts to share with the children in a variety of subjects while also discovering and nurturing their own. Some of the focuses and philosophies we draw from in this group include:

Education rooted in story, imagination, reverence for the child over the academics.

Nature School
Immersion into nature as teacher. Education of our ecology, our place, belonging and love of place and all its inhabitants.


We don’t just talk about welding, how gears work, or ____, we get in it in an age appropriate way.

Apprenticeship and field trips are a vehicle for hands-on learning. When we can’t teach it, we look for the experts who can.

Good Character
Growing the goodness in each individual while also modeling through story and activity how to be a good person in this world.
The format
11am-2pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Three hours each day of learning activities, curated storytelling, lively puppet plays, and social playtime.
Food: Organic home-cooked vegetarian meals provided for all the children.
Materials & Supplies: Everything the kids need for activities is provided.
Parent Participation through Sharing your Gift: As a cooperative, all parents are engaged in the growth and learning of the group. Each parent is called upon to share their unique passions and skills What that looks like is planned on an individual basis.
What do you love and feel passionate about in the world? Is it animals? Botany? Cooking? Wool? Hiking? The beauty of this approach is that it invites you to dig deeper into your interests and bring that gift out into the future generation. If you feel unsure about how to do this, don’t worry, we are here to help you! When you feel excited about a subject, it doesn’t feel like ‘work’ to do it or share it, and when the children see someone excited about a subject, they too feed into that excitement.
Parent Free Time: One of the burdens of homeschool parents is the lack of time-off from childcare responsibilities. Our cooperative is for the parents too. Each parent can drop off their child at least one day per week. This gives each parent some time to rest restore, and do the things of life.
Who is this for?
Parents who….
- Have at least one child between 3-6 years old.
- Enjoy nature and being outside
- Resonate with gentle parenting/ attachment parenting styles (with clear boundaries)
- Feel torn between wanting to homeschool and also needing ‘me time’ to replenish yourself.
- Feel confident in some areas of educating your child, but unsure about how to achieve others.
- Want your child to learn in a group setting and build solid lifetime friendships.
- Are curious and excited about the natural world, as small as a little moss and as big as the tidal waves.
- Want to bathe your child in beauty and the belief in a good and loving world.
- Want to raise your child to have a strong noble character with values such as generosity, truth, humility and peace-advocacy.
It’s not a good fit if you…
- Want daycare -this is not meant to be a hands-off program.
- Frequently offer TV, tablets or phones to your children. Why? Statistically and biologically children are more at risk for developing addictive behaviors with videogames and media, curtailing their development and putting them at risk for depression and suicide later in life. This is an intentional group to support parenting our children in relationship to nature and each other in a time-honored and developmentally appropriate way.
- Use harsh discipline or shaming to control your child. Undoubtedly a child (or several) will cross a line, and we all want to be somewhat on the same page about how to handle that, but these methods are counterproductive to our mission of cultivating children’s innate sense of trust in caring adults.
Who we are

hi, I’m Kusuma Sparks, mother of a bright 3 yr old. I have a great passion in learning about human development, happiness, and health. I am really excited to bring together a group of like-minded families to celebrate the seasons, form deep friendships, and nurture loving kindness in this world.
When I was young, my mother, a native American descendant, decided to adopt a tribe (Lakota Sioux) because ours was unknown. In my adult years I travelled to India and met an Elder, Dr. Shankaranarayana Jois, my lifelong Teacher with whom I have studied with for 14 years. I draw deeply from these potent influences to create my vision for my child and this group.
I’m a full time mother and homemaker, passionate about fiber arts, cooking, meditation, and nature adventures. My husband is a music educator.
I am lucky to have met Robin and her incredible family, and to share in this creative endeavor with her.

Robin Whealdon first collaborated with fellow parents to form a Waldorf inspired preschool when her daughter was 2 and 3 years old. A few years later she formulated a unique Waldorf curriculum to homeschool her daughter for first grade, and again for 5th grade, each time working collectively with her community to form a comprehensive experience.
Prior to motherhood, Robin worked in Mendocino county to bring art and story experiences to the grades through grants from the Get Art in the Schools Program, employment with Kudos for Kids Afterschool Program, and as an artist-in-residence with The Mendocino Art Center.
Over the years she has collaborated with her community to develop participatory engagements for seasonal, historical, and cultural holiday observances. She is an artist and active member in the local storytelling community.
Dates + Location
Mon, Weds, & Fridays 11am-2pm
Located at a private residence in South Sebastopol near Hessel Road. The Facilities include acres of oak grove and stream to play and learn, and a warm studio to shelter from the cold and rainy days of winter.
What is the cost? Materials, field trips, and bringing in outside teachers will be shared within the membership and based on the capacity of each family’s financial ability. Membership is not determined by the ability to pay a fixed amount, but by the shared values and harmonious participation with the group.
Can we participate one day per week? Maybe, let’s talk.
What is the age of the kids? 3-6, not including siblings
Are siblings allowed: yes
want to join?
Let’s talk more to see if we are a good fit.
707 – 634 – 4764
Text Kusuma for questions and to set up a time to meet for an in-person interview.